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As long as I can remember, I have been moved by sound.
Through the tape recorder experiments and self-made audiothrillers in my childhood to the teenage band years, to finally making audio my profession as adult.

For years I searched for different ways of converting passion and hobby into profession, and went through the rock-music route, to mixing and producing - to studying sound for movies.
One day I remembered my childhood dream of making sound for games, and found a way to start practicing at the game studio.
I also got involved relatively early for current VR-wave and started to explore the possibilites of ambisonic sound and object based-audio on VR-experiences.

My favourite thing is to do something that either is trying to break established boundaries or connect different styles and mediums in new ways. Lately I have been creating sound and music from XR-sports games to VR-experiences and even digital forest-relaxation moments.

Here are some great companies I have worked with!


Angry Birds Dream Blast - Additional Sound Design - Rovio Entertainment Corporation

Angry Birds Journey - Additional Sound Design- Rovio Entertainment Corporation

ValoClimb: Plankton - Sound Design, Audio Implementation, Music Composition, Production and Implementation- Valo Motion

Valo Arena: Systemwide Sound Design, Audio Implementation, Music Composition, Production and Implementation

including 3 Launch Games, Toywatch Island, Groundfall and Runway Zero - Valo Motion 

Friends & Dragons (Mobile RPG), Sound Design, work in progress, Playsome, in collaboration with Tonally
House Of Tom VR -Donkey Hotel

Second Theatre - Theatre Viewing in VR, Audio Design, Audio System Building, Location Recording

Tiles N´Tales, Mobile Puzzles & Interactive Stories, Sound Design, Music Composition (partly) 

Virtual Art & Nature retreat - Sound Design & Audio Consultation, work in progress -Virtual Circus Finland

Virtual Forest Experience - Sound Design & Audio Consultation - KorpiForRest

ValoJump, multiple titles, sound design, music composition and production, audio implementation

ValoClimb, multiple titles, sound design, music composition and production, audio implementation


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